The documentary film, Talk it OUT: No More Gay Shame provides the viewer with answers to questions centering around the LGBTQ community answered by a diverse group of gay men crossing the generations of gay life before and after Stonewall. Within this film, these courageous gay men share their very personal and emotional stories in response to questions asked by a diverse group of six LGBTQ students from Hofstra University. These questions focus directly on the subjects of gay shame, bullying, gay elitism, gay pride, and those life challenges that test one’s mettle in moments of adversity. Stories told are interspersed with photos and video. Most music by the men in the film with the exception of the theme song, “Talk It Out” written by Tracey Berg and performed by Ellen Foley. I (Dr. Vincent Pellegrino) am very proud of this film and its message and filming this documentary is a culmination of my life’s work on the study of gay shame and gay male communication.
- Director: Dr. Vince Pellegrino
- Producer: Wendy Market
- Producer: Christian Ladigoski
- Director of Photography: Jon Bewley